Asian Literary Society's Navras 2020 festival - a nine days festival of art, culture, and literature
As per ancient scriptures of South Asia, Navras symbolizes nine human emotions - love, laughter, compassion, anger, courage, fear, disgust, surprise, and peace. In the Navras Festival 2020, the Asian Literary Society celebrated art, culture, and literature interwoven with the vibrant hues of these emotions.
The coronavirus pandemic did not deter artists and literary luminaries from enthusiastically participating in the Asian Literary Society's Navras 2020 festival - a nine days online festival of art, culture, and literature that was held from 1st to 9th July 2020.
Mr. Manoj Krishnan (Founder, Asian Literary Society, and author) inaugurated the Navras 2020 festival. Ms. Anita Chand (Hindi Poetess), Ms. Kiren Babal (Children's Writer), and Dr. Swasti Dhar (Professor, Mumbai University) moderated various interactive sessions during Navras 2020.
The festival encompassed poetry recitation by eminent poets - Dr. Om Nischal, Dr. Laxmi Shankar Bajpai, Mr. Pratap Somvanshi, Ms. Mamta Kiran and live interactive sessions with Dr. Mridula Tandon (Founder, Sakshi), Dr. Pariksith Singh (CEO, Access Health Care Physicians, USA), and Mr. Sudarshan Kcherry (CEO, Authorspress).
Dr. Amarendra Khatua (Former Secretary, MEA) and Mr. Yuyutsu Sharma (Eminent Poet from Nepal) provided insights into modern South Asian literature. Mr. Kumar Vikram (Eminent poet and editor, NBT) discussed the challenges of cross-cultural communication and the role of poetry and publishing during the pandemic.
A panel discussion on literature and Indian fiction with Ms. Santhini Govindan (Author), Ms. Bina Pillai (Author), Ms. Meena Mishra (CEO, The Impish Lass Publishing House) and Mr. Suhail Mathur (Renowned Literary Agent) provided insights into the literary world to aspiring writers.
In the arena of Arts, the live sessions with Ms. Sangeeta Gupta (Bharatanatyam Dancer), Ms. Isha Das (Odissi Dancer), Ms. Shilpi Srivastava (Classical Singer) and Mr. Shakeel Ahmed (Ghazal Singer) enthralled the viewers.
Each day of the nine days festival showcased the dancing and singing talents of artists from all over the country. Dances were performed by Dr. Madhavi Menon, Ms. Amrit Varsha Baruah, Ms. Riny Bharadwaj, Ms. Gauri Bharadwaj, and Ms. Meeta Nagpal. Singers included Ms. Mani Saxena, Dr. Aparna Bagwe, Dr. Charu Kapoor, Ms. Lalita Iyer Vaitheeswaran, Dr. Aparna Pradhan, Dr. Archana Tandon, and Mr. Nilesh Savant.
A highlight of Navras 2020 was the Online Art Exhibition in which exquisite paintings of more than forty artists from India and abroad were showcased.
In keeping with the present scenario, the festival included motivational talks by Mr. Abhinandan Bhattacharya (Writer and Editor), Mr. Amit Dubey (Motivational Speaker), and Mr. Yash Tiwari (Youth mentor), and live session by Dr. Ameeta Parsuram (Eminent Psychologist) on maintaining mental health in the time of coronavirus.
All the participating artists were felicitated virtually at the end of Navras 2020 by Mr. Manoj Krishnan.
The Asian Literary Society's Navras 2020 festival received an overwhelming response from viewers from all over the world who applauded ALS and its this initiative at the time of coronavirus pandemic.
As per ancient scriptures of South Asia, Navras symbolizes nine human emotions - love, laughter, compassion, anger, courage, fear, disgust, surprise, and peace. In the Navras Festival 2020, the Asian Literary Society celebrated art, culture, and literature interwoven with the vibrant hues of these emotions.
The coronavirus pandemic did not deter artists and literary luminaries from enthusiastically participating in the Asian Literary Society's Navras 2020 festival - a nine days online festival of art, culture, and literature that was held from 1st to 9th July 2020.
Mr. Manoj Krishnan (Founder, Asian Literary Society, and author) inaugurated the Navras 2020 festival. Ms. Anita Chand (Hindi Poetess), Ms. Kiren Babal (Children's Writer), and Dr. Swasti Dhar (Professor, Mumbai University) moderated various interactive sessions during Navras 2020.
The festival encompassed poetry recitation by eminent poets - Dr. Om Nischal, Dr. Laxmi Shankar Bajpai, Mr. Pratap Somvanshi, Ms. Mamta Kiran and live interactive sessions with Dr. Mridula Tandon (Founder, Sakshi), Dr. Pariksith Singh (CEO, Access Health Care Physicians, USA), and Mr. Sudarshan Kcherry (CEO, Authorspress).
Dr. Amarendra Khatua (Former Secretary, MEA) and Mr. Yuyutsu Sharma (Eminent Poet from Nepal) provided insights into modern South Asian literature. Mr. Kumar Vikram (Eminent poet and editor, NBT) discussed the challenges of cross-cultural communication and the role of poetry and publishing during the pandemic.
A panel discussion on literature and Indian fiction with Ms. Santhini Govindan (Author), Ms. Bina Pillai (Author), Ms. Meena Mishra (CEO, The Impish Lass Publishing House) and Mr. Suhail Mathur (Renowned Literary Agent) provided insights into the literary world to aspiring writers.
In the arena of Arts, the live sessions with Ms. Sangeeta Gupta (Bharatanatyam Dancer), Ms. Isha Das (Odissi Dancer), Ms. Shilpi Srivastava (Classical Singer) and Mr. Shakeel Ahmed (Ghazal Singer) enthralled the viewers.
Each day of the nine days festival showcased the dancing and singing talents of artists from all over the country. Dances were performed by Dr. Madhavi Menon, Ms. Amrit Varsha Baruah, Ms. Riny Bharadwaj, Ms. Gauri Bharadwaj, and Ms. Meeta Nagpal. Singers included Ms. Mani Saxena, Dr. Aparna Bagwe, Dr. Charu Kapoor, Ms. Lalita Iyer Vaitheeswaran, Dr. Aparna Pradhan, Dr. Archana Tandon, and Mr. Nilesh Savant.
A highlight of Navras 2020 was the Online Art Exhibition in which exquisite paintings of more than forty artists from India and abroad were showcased.
In keeping with the present scenario, the festival included motivational talks by Mr. Abhinandan Bhattacharya (Writer and Editor), Mr. Amit Dubey (Motivational Speaker), and Mr. Yash Tiwari (Youth mentor), and live session by Dr. Ameeta Parsuram (Eminent Psychologist) on maintaining mental health in the time of coronavirus.
All the participating artists were felicitated virtually at the end of Navras 2020 by Mr. Manoj Krishnan.
The Asian Literary Society's Navras 2020 festival received an overwhelming response from viewers from all over the world who applauded ALS and its this initiative at the time of coronavirus pandemic.
प्रेस विज्ञप्ति
एशियन लिटरेरी सोसाइटी द्वारा नौ दिवसीय कला, संस्कृति और साहित्य उत्सव नवरस 2020 का आयोजन
दक्षिण एशिया के प्राचीन शास्त्रों के अनुसार, नवरस नौ मानवीय भावनाओं का प्रतीक है, जिसमें प्रेम, हँसी, करुणा, क्रोध, साहस, भय, घृणा, आश्चर्य और शांति शामिल हैं ।
नवरस उत्सव 2020 में एशियन लिटरेरी सोसाइटी ने इन्हीं भावनाओं को कला, संस्कृति और साहित्य के माध्यम से प्रस्तुत किया है।
कोरोनावायरस महामारी के बावजूद लेखकों एवं कलाकारों ने 1 से 9 जुलाई 2020 तक आयोजित नवरस 2020 उत्सव में उत्साहपूर्वक ऑनलाइन माध्यम से भाग लिया ।
श्री मनोज कृष्णन (संस्थापक, एशियन लिटरेरी सोसाइटी एवं लेखक) ने नवरस 2020 उत्सव का उद्घाटन किया। सुश्री अनीता चंद (कवयित्री), सुश्री किरण बाबल (लेखिका), और डॉ. स्वास्ति धर (प्राध्यापिका, मुंबई विश्वविद्यालय) ने नवरस 2020 के दौरान विभिन्न सत्रों का संचालन किया।
समारोह में प्रख्यात कवि डॉ.ओम निश्चल, डॉ. लक्ष्मी शंकर बाजपेयी, श्री प्रताप सोमवंशी, सुश्री ममता किरण ने अपनी कविताओं से श्रोताओं को मंत्रमुग्ध कर दिया।
वहीं डॉ. मृदुला टंडन (संस्थापक, साक्षी), डॉ. परीक्षित सिंह (सीईओ, एक्सेस हेल्थ केयर फिजिशियन, यूएसए), और श्री सुदर्शन कचेरी (सीईओ, लेखक) से भी सभी को रू-ब-रू होने का अवसर मिला।
डॉ. अमरेन्द्र खटुआ (पूर्व सचिव, विदेश मंत्रालय) और श्री युयुत्सु शर्मा (प्रख्यात नेपाली कवि) ने आधुनिक दक्षिण एशियाई साहित्य विषय पर तथा श्री कुमार विक्रम (प्रख्यात कवि और संपादक, एनबीटी) ने सांस्कृतिक संचार की चुनौतियों और महामारी के दौरान कविता और प्रकाशन की भूमिका पर चर्चा की।
वहीं सुश्री सांतिनी गोविंदन (लेखिका ), सुश्री बीना पिल्लई (लेखिका ), सुश्री मीना मिश्रा (सीईओ, द इमपिश लैस पब्लिशिंग हाउस) और श्री सुहैल माथुर (प्रख्यात साहित्यिक एजेंट) के साथ भारतीय कथा साहित्य पर चर्चा को भी श्रोताओं ने खूब सराहा ।
इसके साथ ही सुश्री संगीता गुप्ता (भरतनाट्यम नर्तकी ), सुश्री ईशा दास (ओडिसी नर्तकी ), सुश्री शिल्पी श्रीवास्तव (गायिका) और श्री शकील अहमद (ग़ज़ल गायक) के साथ लाइव सत्र ने भी दर्शकों की वाहवाही लूटी ।
नौ दिनों के इस उत्सव में डॉ. माधवी मेनन, सुश्री अमृत वर्षा बरूआ, सुश्री रिनी भारद्वाज, सुश्री गौरी भारद्वाज और सुश्री मीता नागपाल द्वारा नृत्य प्रस्तुत किए गए। वहीं गायकों में सुश्री मणि सक्सेना, डॉ. अपर्णा बागवे, डॉ. चारु कपूर, सुश्री ललिता अय्यर वैतेश्वरन, डॉ. अपर्णा प्रधान, डॉ. अर्चना टंडन और श्री नीलेश सावंत शामिल थे।
नवरस 2020 का एक आकर्षण ऑनलाइन कला प्रदर्शनी भी था जिसमें भारत और विदेशों के चालीस से अधिक कलाकारों के उत्कृष्ट चित्रों को प्रदर्शित किया गया था।
साथ ही वर्तमान परिदृश्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए, महोत्सव में श्री अभिनंदन भट्टाचार्य (लेखक और संपादक), श्री अमित दुबे (मोटिवेशनल स्पीकर), और श्री यश तिवारी ( यूथ मेंटोर), और डॉ. अमिता परशुराम (मनोविज्ञानी) के लाइव सत्र को भी शामिल किया गया।
सभी कलाकारों को श्री मनोज कृष्णन द्वारा नवरस 2020 के अंत में सम्मानित किया गया। एशियन लिटरेरी सोसाइटी के नवरस 2020 उत्सव को दुनिया भर के दर्शकों से सकारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया मिली और उन्होंने कोरोनोवायरस महामारी के समय की गयी इस पहल की खूब सराहना की।
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