A stranger: A poem by Preeti S Manaktala

On a quest to search you— 
many questions still remain unanswered.
You, a stranger, an enigma and mystical. 
I wonder who you really are?

Not again, don’t step into my thoughts.
Shall I let go of my quest, as you seem too far.
You stir my being, question my journey.
I long to touch you, you the stranger! 

Shall I seek you through the Northern lights?
Or see your light in the Fireflies? 
Experience your wrath in the Volcanoes 
Or your myriad colors through a Rainbow! 

You are inaccessible like Moon the stars. 
Folklore says I must tread Mount Kailash.
Crying and yelling, I even searched for you on my dad's funeral.
But now, I find you everywhere!!

I feel you in the raindrops.
I feel you in the breeze.
I feel you through the sun rays.
When I close my eyes in ecstasy,
I, finally feel you within me...! 


  1. Beautiful! Keep writing...

  2. Beautiful poetry.Really proud of U my daughter. Live long happily. May all your dreams come true.

  3. Beautiful poetry. Reminds me Words worth Shelley Keats and Campbell etc.
    Keep it up Betay

    1. Thank you so much.
      Didn’t get your name on your message .. Wondering who you are ..?!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Exquisitely penned and stupendously crafted piece! There is a cleanness, a composure, a poise, a serenity in the effortless flow of expression connecting the precincts of inwardness owned by the narrator and the 'beyondness', the externality of the stranger addressed by the former. And all that is stated and all that remains unstated, account for the soulful finesse attained in the end...

  6. Exquisitely penned and stupendously crafted piece! There is a cleanness, a composure, a poise, a serenity in the effortless flow of expression connecting the precincts of inwardness owned by the narrator and the 'beyondness', the externality of the stranger addressed by the former. And all that is stated and all that remains unstated, account for the soulful finesse attained in the end...

  7. Exquisitely penned and stupendously crafted piece! There is a cleanness, a composure, a poise, a serenity in the effortless flow of expression connecting the precincts of inwardness owned by the narrator and the 'beyondness', the externality of the stranger addressed by the former. And all that is stated and all that remains unstated, account for the soulful finesse attained in the end...

    1. I am truly grateful sir and humbled by your beautiful review on my poem. Thank you so much 😊


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