Social Media: A poem by Ojo Michael Oluwaseun

The light of technology, a powerful product of innovation
Ignorance can't comprehend the relevance of this illumination,
Oh mother tech, how precious you are in every nation!
For you've brought to this generation ease in socialization
And thy womb has birthed manifold means of communication.

In extinct are those challenging days of Annunciation
When complexity was the order of disseminating information
And uneasy was the means of advertisement and declaration
Now we find it more blessed in chatting and conversation
Through social media, we commune our feelings in relaxation.

The social media is a blessing and a devil likewise
A tempting agent that orchestrates various crimes
The social media, a catalyst for cyber wiles
What a spirit has it, possessing humans' brains
A platform of faking relationships with lies.

For the evil it has caused, who is to blame
For chatting sake, many have given death fame
It has caused a lot of accidents and shame
It has wiped out many dreams like a flame
But the question still, who is to blame?


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