Love Seeds: A poem by Aabha Vatsa
A dream, naive and flushed with innocence Yet pure by intent Waited a while, bursting with hope To anchor and flourish. Yet, Providence had other plans Mysterious and gigantic to the core. Still, the dream trudged on Tired, wounded and shaken . But just as all was seemingly lost Love arrived magnificently Carrying in its robes, precious seeds of love. Heavens showered incessantly The tantalizing rain of love For it was love, deep and passionate That celebrated the culmination of the dream. The touch, beyond comprehension A fulfillment of the heart's soulful desire Engaged lovingly under the fragrant canopy Albeit short lived. But the seeds of love had been planted And unknowingly they sprouted One by one Till a garden bloomed with the most beautiful blossoms. Today the garden stands as a testimony of that promise A love so aromatic and precious Waiting for that chosen wanderer To exhibit its splendor...