Earnest Longings: A poem by Mir Samsul Haque

A spate of lovelorn lines whirring in my rambling mind
Yet, I'm nursing no inhibitions to my eerie inebriation
As you've notched up your entrancing halo, worthwhile
Your superb spell suffusing all niches of my meandering mind
I weave eloquent phrases to paraphrase your elusive beauty
Crafting curiously musky melodies and singing them with elan
Still,my heart is inherently longing to your abrupt intrusion
The spark of love removes rues as all I can think about is you
Withholding plethora of pearly promises, sincerely I sigh
Amid dithering daze my hyped happiness never gets smashed
Though my exuberant ecstasy is unhinged from the realm of reality
I'm stymied at once, being ensnared to your enchanting legacy
Each endearing story is recounted with fits of rapture
How we've celebrated comely hours with collective joy
Each memory is rehashed, recycled with much fervour
O' cherubic beauty I'm facing bravely the brutal world's notoriety
Our mesmerised muse enables us to ennoble our dream world
Let's steer our emotional outburst with effortless ease
In quest of soulful moments we've to trounce the troubled times
Then we can reign in the world of ecstasy in all dimensions


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